May.20 / 2015
Season 6 of Pretty Little Liars is officially less than two weeks away! While we should be excited that the wait is almost over…we still want an episode, like, now. The fandom runs deep with PLL.
The new season of PLL premieres Tuesday, June 2 at 8E/5P on M3 and there’s a good chance you’ve reacted in a visceral way to this announcement. Maybe you even reacted in 10 different ways. Any of these look familiar?
1. “I have to wait more than two minutes for a new episode?”
2. “They said there were going to be answers last time. We need answers.”
3. When you tell people you need to be home on June 2 at 8E/5P to watch the Season 6 premiere and they tell you they don’t watch PLL.
4. When you start to feel weird for missing a TV show, but then remember that everyone misses PLL when it’s on hiatus.
5. You start planning your viewing party snacks a week in advance.
6. When you get excited for the Season 6 premiere and someone points out that it’s ‘just a tv show’.
7. You start practicing your ‘shocked’ face for all the juiciness coming up this season.
8. You clear your head for all the new clues about ‘A’ that are about to be dropped on you.
9. You immediately begin the never-ending debate with yourself over whether Mona and Alison can be trusted.
10. Finally, you say a prayer and light a candle in hopes that the PLL gods will give you a reveal as shocking as this one.
Watch the Season 6 premiere of Pretty Little Liars on Tuesday, June 2 at 8E/5P on M3.