Feb.7 / 2014
Justin Bieber’s bad behavior is really leaving the door open for a new heir to his pop teen throne, and that heir just may be 17 year old Cody Simpson from down under. He recently extended his tour because of popular demand and he’s dropping the choreographed dance moves and simplifying things with just an acoustic guitar.
In an interview with M3′s Matt Wells, the singer looks back on his recent years of cool experiences — including a chance to sit down with his idol Jack Johnson — and maturely tells Wells that even though he sometimes wishes he could experience a normal upbringing, he cherishes these special memories. “You think about the things that you have experienced compared the stuff that you haven’t and it’s significantly outweighed,” he reveals.
Watch the entire interview clip below and be sure to tune into a new episode of the M3 Countdown this Saturday at 6E/3P on M3.