
Jan.13 / 2016

Our First Look At Pretty Little Liars Ep 612 Is Giving Us Lots Of Questions

Last night’s winter premiere of Pretty Little Liars (catch up here) just showed us the tip of the iceberg as to where the Liars have been for the past five years. Before we could even finish telling Spencer her new bangs look great, there’s another dead body in Rosewood. Their population sign outside the town must be a chalkboard.

Now Charlotte is dead, the Liars are being eyeballed for the murder, and Emily and Ezra aren’t getting nearly enough hugs. Someone hug them.

In our first look at next week’s brand new episode of Pretty Little Liars, the girls are already turning on one another. I guess some things do change. Here’s a few questions we have thanks to our brand new promo for Episode 612 - Charlotte’s Web.

1. Hanna’s fiance Jordan looks just like her first boyfriend Sean mixed with Wilden and nothing like Caleb, meaning she will definitely leave him for Caleb. Haleb will rise again. Right?

2. Did something happen to Spencer? A Freaky-Friday type sitch? She was the most Ant-Alison of all the Liars and now she feels guilty about Charlotte’s death. Did she grow a conscious working in politics? That usually works the other way.

3. Why is everyone suspicious of Aria leaving so quickly after Charlotte’s death? She must be the killer! Or, she made a life in Boston and doesn’t want to lose any more of her life to Charlotte. Also a thought.

4. Is Ezria really over? We get our first glance at Aria’s new boyfriend Liam. It’s a quick glance (actually, a quick kiss), so here’s a better shot. Kinda nerdy, very cute. This coupling makes a lot more sense than Hanna and Jordan.

5. Why is Hanna living in Radley and not staying with Ashley?

6. Are we finally going to learn what happened to Emily’s dad? And by finally, we mean we’ve seen one episode and want to know immediately.

7. Alison is understandably upset with Aria for saying Charlotte is dangerous, but why didn’t Alison think her sister was dangerous? Or was she pretending to love Charlotte all along and killed her sister herself?

8. Who’s the new blonde talking to Emily? She’s not in the right head space for a relationship right now.

9. Why was Ezra at Radley the night Charlotte was killer? Actually, this one isn’t very concerning. He’s in a dark place and his old girlfriend/bestie is in town. Can the man not get drunk with his former student?


Watch new episodes of Pretty Little Liars every Tuesday at 8E/5P on M3. Catch up with recaps, sneak peaks and quizzes anytime at
