
Mar.22 / 2014

Lady Gaga’s video for G.U.Y. is a visual stunner

Lady Gaga debuted her new music video for G.U.Y. tonight on Dateline and covered everything from Real Housewives to resurrecting the King of Pop. While Dateline, an interesting medium to premiere a music video in 2014, aired a two minute version of the video, the full spectacle clocks in at seven minutes of WTF/awesome moments.

G.U.Y., which stands for Girl Under You, is Gaga’s third single from her latest disc ARTPOP and features of video of Gaga as the archangel of pop. At least I think that’s what she’s going for. The video is full of visually stunning moments and stuff that is just plain out there. It’s totally Gaga and we totally love it. Here are a few of our favourite moments from the epic music video.

Gaga kicks off the video in a very Dogma-esque scene, with an angel (Gaga) being shot out of the sky with an arrow, while around her men in suits fight over money. I’m going to go with greed as a big theme of this video, which could explain some reality stars who pop up later in the vid.

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No Gaga video is complete without a good ole’ fashion dance number. Plus, this one has pretty flowers.

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You know why so many music videos feature synchronized swimmers? Because they look awesome.

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Hello Halloween costume 2014. You should take about five minutes to make and feature a perfect front pocket for mah candeez.

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are so much more pleasant when they’re lip-synching and not saying terrible things about one another and complaining about all their money. Saint Gaga: Making Real Housewives Tolerable Since 2014.

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Gaga took Look What Happens Live host Andy Cohen and made him God. A little sacrilegious maybe, but can you imagine if Cohen was actually the person waiting for you at the Pearly Gates? “You may enter Heaven, once you tell us all what really happened in that bathroom with your co-worker during your engagement party in 2008.” Heaven = Gossip Central

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I don’t know if it’s the boat or the beautiful men or the intricate tile work (I’ve been watching a lot of House Hunters), but I feel like my life won’t be complete until I live in a house with that pool.

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I think someone saw the Lego Movie and thinks everything is awesome!

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Gaga readies herself to take down all the GUYS (as opposed to the G.U.Y.s) looking like a Christopher Nolan-approved villain.

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This video is a prime example of how Gaga does over-the-top costumes better than anyone, but it’s also nice to see that she appreciates a good black bra and jeans look as well. It’s made millions for Calvin Klein for a reason.

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Finally, Gaga resurrects Jesus, Gandhi and Michael Jackson. Bonus points for resurrecting Jackson during the Bad years. Jesus and Gandhi didn’t really have ‘good’ and ‘bad’ phases. They were pretty solid throughout.

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Watch Lady Gaga’s brand new music video for G.U.Y. below!


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