Feb.7 / 2014
The Sam Roberts Band jumped onto the scene in 2002 from Montreal with their debut album, The Inhuman Condition. Well, 12 years and soon to be six albums later, the band have become an important part of the Canadian musical landscape. Sam dropped by to chat about recording their latest, Lo-Fantasy and chat about how they were challenged like never before.
Working with British producer Youth, the band originally thought that they were going to spend months in the studio, but instead were only given 12 days with the man. “The only way to do that was to record live off the floor and then hope that you have something good on tape,” Roberts tells M3. “So rather than setting up in the studio and working on the songs for months and months, we just rehearsed the hell out of them and just tried to be as ready to go as possible.”
Watch the entire interview clip below and be sure to tune into a new episode of the M3 Countdown this Saturday at 6E/3P on M3.